Focusing on Leadership with Community Health Workers
In February, as part of our continuing education efforts for community health workers (CHWs), Gysella Muniz, MD and Betty Martin, RN, along with Nelson Martinez, our Director of Operations in Honduras, spent the day with eleven CHWs from the villages of Planes de la Nueva Esperanza, San Antonio de la Libertád, and Veracruz in Honduras.
The topic for the day was leadership in their communities. Throughout the day, the group discussed having a vision for their villages, how to motivate and work with others and what makes a good leader. The CHWs shared positive aspects of their roles as community health workers and any difficulties they have encountered.
A portion of the day was spent working on a team-building exercise in breakout groups consisting of CHWs from each of the three villages. Then, CHWs from each village worked on the specific action plan/goals for their communities and shared these with the entire group. Many of the goals identified by the CHWs for their villages were the same, and discussion followed on how to meet these goals. The CHWS left at the end of the session with specific action items and basic tools to address the most pressing needs of their clinics.
The day ended with all sharing a meal together before our CHWs traveled back to their villages.